"Seven Sinners" is a 1936 British thriller film directed by Albert de Courville and starring Edmund Lowe, Constance Cummings and Felix Aylmer. An American detective and his sidekick are called to Britain to take on a gang of international criminals.
Directed by Albert de Courville, written by Sidney Gilliat, Frank Launder, Austin Melford (additional dialogue), Bernard Merivale (story), L. du Garde Peach (adaptation as DuGarde Peach) and Arnold Ridley (story), starring Edmund Lowe, Constance Cummings and Thomy Bourdelle.
Source: "Seven Sinners (1936 film)" Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. 5 January 2012. Web. 26 July 2012. (1936_film).
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